Author: Clayton Craddock

I am a dedicated father to two wonderful children, a consultant for divorcing fathers, a thought provoking blogger, and a social reformer who is intent on seeing positive cultural change for boys, men and fathers in the 21st century. Oh, I also play drums too!

“Don’t WOW me!!” Black Intelligence In 2016 and Beyond

What? Don’t wow me? What kind of nonsense does this woman think she is trying to pull?

It is amazing to see an exchange between someone who isn’t afraid to speak their mind and challenge everything that is assumed. It’s refreshing to see someone not back down to someone on this network.

D.L stood his ground and made her look silly, especially when she tried to get belligerent and raise her voice and tried to shout him down. That is the moment in the video where he said, under his breath, “wow.’ I guess Megyn thought he committed a little micro-aggression and made her feel threatened. Well, that is  too bad. This is the big leagues. If she wanted to raise the intensity level, she chose the wrong person to challenge.  D.L. showed that he was able to go toe-to-toe with someone who thought could make her opponent look bad on national TV.

You were wrong Megyn. Dead wrong.

I get sick of the media sticking a microphone into the face of the first random black person they see after a tragedy. Ain’t nobody got time for that.  I urge the media to begin putting microphones in front of the following people and see how the conversation changes:

DL. Hughley

Eddie Glaude

Henry Louis Gates

Cornel West

Bell Hooks

Thomas Sowell

Shelby Steele

Walter Williams

Neil DeGrasse Tyson

Ta-Nehisi Coates

Keli Goff

Dr. Julianne Malveaux

Jamelle Bouie

Nikole Hanna-Jones

Joy Reid

Jamil Smith

Marc Lamont Hill

James Braxton Peterson

Brittney Cooper

Melissa Harris-Perry

Tavis Smiley

Nelson George

Greg Tate


and dozens of others….


I don’t agree with all of these thinkers and I am not aligned with their political views, but I would be more than happy to have them speak to the issues of our times. There are few people on this list who I would love to speak, with and I’m pretty sure we will never see eye to eye. I am quite sure we will find a way to have a productive conversation and find common ground in the end.


We come from a history of black intelligentsia.

Have we forgotten brilliant minds like W.E.B. DuBois, Richard Wright, James Weldon Johnson, Ralph Bunche, Zora Neale Hurston, Martin Luther King and Malcolm X? There are dozens more, but I want to expose my readers to the people that are around right now with the list above. Intelligent black men and women exist. We are here, we are writing, speaking, organizing, and unafraid of speaking up and not backing down from some intellectual jiu-jitsu.

The time has come for people to stand up and not be shouted down but those who feel they are superior simply because they were born with less melanin.


Check out this video. I loved every second where D.L. refused to go along with the script and showed Megyn that she couldn’t “out-FOX” him. Good job D.L!




Don’t Talk To The Police!

I recently told my kids about the events from the past two weeks in Louisiana and Minnesota. After a discussion about what happened, I reminded them to never talk to the police.


I tell them over and over again to NEVER EVER talk to the police. I don’t care if you are doing something legal or not. NEVERRRRRRR!!!!! NEVER talk to the police if they ask you any questions. I have several close friends who are cops, former cops and probably future cops and I will tell my kids and anyone reading this that due to the legacy of slavery in this country and the never ending bias against black men especially, talking to the police or even getting into any encounter with any police officer of any color is probably going to do you no good.

It doesn’t matter if the cop is black, brown, white or purple. It is a fact that we have given a certain group of people the legal authority to kill then ask questions about it later…and most likely NOT be held accountable. It is just the reality we live in today.

I tell my kids on a regular basis that the way they will be treated is different than the way their white mother will be treated-simply because they look more like me than her.

The way that my WHITE girlfriend will be treated is different than the way I’ll be treated when we drive together and are stopped by the police. The way police have treated black and brown skinned people for well over a hundred years is well documented and may never change. The only thing I feel we can do is not to interact with them and do whatever is necessary to be as well connected politically in order to gain the wealth and status needed to get out of jail quickly.

The problem is that we might never get to jail if we get shot like Philando Castile.


Closed minds on campus 

An excerpt: Last month, in the early hours, an act of traumatising racist violence occurred on the campus of Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. Students woke up to find that someone had written, in chalk, the words “Trump 2016” on…

Trump’s Bizarre Theory

“Trump’s theory is, apparently, that anyone can get any judge disqualified for ‘conflict of interest’ just by saying things that the judge finds offensive enough,” Volokh wrote. “Don’t like the Jewish judge on your case? Say things that are critical of Jews, and now the judge presumably has to step aside because of a conflict of interest. Don’t like the female judge? Say things that women tend to find offensive. Don’t like the judge who was a Republican activist? Say nasty things about Republicans.”

“For obvious reasons, that is not the law, because it can’t be the law. Judges can’t be disqualified from a case because of their ethnicity, or because of their ideology, or because you say things that are offensive to them or their ethnic group.”

Read more HERE




“Why should they ask me to put on a uniform and go 10,000 miles from home and drop bombs and bullets on Brown people in Vietnam while so-called Negro people in Louisville are treated like dogs and denied simple human…

No Offense…but…

“Look at my African-American over here.”!!!

I’m going to call the “Clue Clucks Clan” the next time I see one of them at a Trump rally.

I remember back in the day when someone wanted to talk about black people with me, they would start out with, “No offense but, those NIGGERS over there get on my nerves!”

Well, no offense but, if you “identify” as a republican, and actually support a man who isn’t even a republican, nor a conservative, you are just as dumb as he is. In fact, you’re an a$$hole and probably a racist to your ugly, rotten core.

Oh, did I offend you? Oh… I’m not talking about YOU, it’s those people!

Hey folks, enjoy the show. He has no plans on being president and he won’t last long if he wins. He’s in the news every day because the media loves this. He’s truly entertaining.


Due Process On Campus

Excerpt: “As the intimacy progressed, knowing that they both wanted to engage in sexual intercourse, Jane Doe advised Plaintiff that she was not on birth control. Accordingly, Plaintiff asked if he should put on a condom. Jane Doe clearly and…

Sign Them Up!

An excerpt: “While this is unfair and sexist — women should be allowed to serve in combat roles just as men are — it is immoral to force people to go to war, no matter their sex,” Julie Mastrine, the…