People are waking up to reality. Read an excerpt from THIS article: Lady Deech, a crossbencher given a life peerage by Tony Blair in 2005, said: ‘The notion that a wife should get half of the joint assets of a…
Author: Clayton Craddock
I am a dedicated father to two wonderful children, a consultant for divorcing fathers, a thought provoking blogger, and a social reformer who is intent on seeing positive cultural change for boys, men and fathers in the 21st century. Oh, I also play drums too! Follow me on twitter
The Barry White Effect
I found an interesting article on the Huffington Post called: “Deep-Voiced Men Are More Attractive To Women, At Least When It Comes To Hooking Up” I think it’s very simple. Men with low voices tend to be better endowed. Whether…
Domestic Violence Awareness Month
Here is a quote from an interesting article: “Men and women are, in fact, equally likely to be survivors of emotional abuse.” “For male victims, the tendency of our culture to downplay emotional abuse as merely a “bad relationship” comes…
A real man does what?
Um. no…A real man won’t not allow himself to get sucked into a system that takes advantage of his gender. A real man will not allow a woman to just up and leave with the children he helped create. Remember,…
Young women are getting a distorted message that their right to match men drink for drink is a feminist issue. A well-known feminist dissident Camille Paglia one wrote: For a decade feminists have drilled their disciples to say “Rape is…
The Myth Of The Deadbeat Dad
From the wild Irish slums of the 19th-century Eastern seaboard, to the riot-torn suburbs of Los Angeles, there is one unmistakable lesson in American history: a community that allows large numbers of young men to grow up in broken families,…
Black Women Ain’t WHAT?
I am the first one to say that ALL black women ain’t sh*t…or even that any other type of women fall into this category. While I don’t agree with sweeping generalizations and the way she presented her thoughts, a lot…
Gene Simmons of KISS: My Dad the Rock Star
Ozymandias – Breaking Bad
Spoiler Alert: I will be revealing a major portion of Breaking Bad’s final season. If you have not seen it or plan on seeing it, stop reading here and click on other links. For those who have seen the show,…
A Hidden Crime: Domestic Violence Against Men Is a Growing Problem
Domestic violence is not gender specific And yet, more than 200 survey-based studies show that domestic violence is just as likely to strike men as women. In fact, the overwhelming mass of evidence indicates that half of all domestic violence…
Shared Parenting
Parents are presumed equal during the marriage. What changed in the equality equation once the marriage ends? Children need and want both parents in their lives, not as visitors, but as active and equal participants. That’s why shared parenting is…
Be a parent!
The Patriarchy is DEAD
Congratulations to all of the radical feminists. You win! (for now) More broadly, I am convinced that if feminism is to have a positive future, it must reinvent itself as a gender equity movement advocating for both sexes and against…
Reality Check: Boys are languishing academically, while girls are soaring
An excerpt from: How to Make School Better for Boys CHRISTINA HOFF SOMMERS In the U.S., a powerful network of women’s groups works ceaselessly to protect and promote what it sees as female interest. But there is no counterpart working…
War on Boys
From The National Review Online. Read more HERE KATHRYN JEAN LOPEZ: What’s the war on boys? CHRISTINA HOFF SOMMERS: It’s more like a war of attrition. No one wakes up in the morning thinking, “What horrible thing can I do…
Oppose the Violence Against Women Act
The truth about men and women
THIS is sexual harrasment too
This cannot be real. Please tell me this is a joke. 1) Is an interview with an elected official an appropriate place to disrobe? 2) If this what equlaity looks like? 3) Are men allowed to take off their pants?…
Marriage-is it really all about the money?
I’ve said to several people that in order for things to change in our culture, it has to affect WOMEN. Divorce, child support and alimony financially destroy men temporarily, but hurt women in the long run. Listen to the perspective…
Do you have DDD? Deadbeat Dad Dillemma