Category: Family

Bearded Feminazis vs Bras, Backbones, and Brains!

An excerpt from this article: Progressives, especially those among the feminists camp, have spent decades clawing at their (bare…hairy) chests while screaming that men don’t have a right to tell them what to do with their bodies. Conservative men, as…

Judge Orders Deployed US Sailor To Attend Custody Hearing Or Lose Daughter, Face Arrest

Why would anyone be surprised by this?

This is a daily occurrence in mother court, I mean “family court.” I’m just happy this HORRIBLE place is being exposed on national TV.

A sailor serving underseas on a submarine is locked in a fight a world away to keep custody of his 6-year-old girl.

Navy submariner Matthew Hindes is stationed on a submarine in the Pacific. But he’s been ordered to appear in a Michigan courtroom Monday in a custody battle with his ex-wife Angela involving their daughter, Kaylee.

Hindes was given permanent custody of Kaylee in 2010, after she was reportedly removed from Angela’s home by child protective services. Kaylee has been living with Hindes’ wife Benita-Lynn — her step-mother — in Washington state while Hindes is deployed aboard a nuclear submarine in the Pacific Ocean.

Despite Hindes’ assignment, a judge has ordered Hindes to appear in court or face contempt.

Hindes’ lawyers argue he should be protected by the Service members Civil Relief Act, which states courts in custody cases may “grant a stay of proceedings for a minimum period of 90 days” to defendants serving their country.

The judge hearing the case, circuit court judge Margaret Noe, disagreed, adding, “If the child is not in the care and custody of the father, the child should be in the care and custody of the mother.”

There Are No Good Men

Is there really a lack of good men in the dating pool or do some women overlook the ones that are already in existence? From what I’ve experienced, when many women who are dating meet a GOOD man, they either…

Government To The Rescue!!!

In his remarks Thursday, the president made several telling points. First, the big-government approach won’t work: “Government can’t play the only — or even primary — role,” he said. “We can’t replace the role of the parent.” Second, the First…

Judith Grossman: A Mother, a Feminist, Aghast

An Excerpt from this article: I am a feminist. I have marched at the barricades, subscribed to Ms. magazine, and knocked on many a door in support of progressive candidates committed to women’s rights. Until a month ago, I would…

Stop being ashamed of being men

By Rick Johnson Better Dads Ministry, Roseberg Oregon From this article: Guys, we need to stop being ashamed of being men. Virtually every behavior that is natural to a man is now being criticized and we are made to feel…

Barbara Kay on institutional feminism and misandry

Acknowledging the quiet feminist coup d’etat… the pernicious misandry… the militant and divisive zero-sum/win-lose assumptions of the ruling feminist movement… unfair treatment of males as disposable…the apparently shocking notion that women are capable of violence. Barbara Kay presents her politically incorrect views on the Micheal Coren Show.

Romeo Misses A Payment

Director and father Angelo Lobo exposes the wide-ranging devastation of the American divorce industry.

Romeo Misses A Payment documents the complicated world of divorce and child custody through dozens of interviews with parents, attorneys, judges, and law officers on all sides of the issue. Incendiary, controversial, insightful, heartbreaking and ultimately triumphant, Romeo Misses A Payment is a must-see documentary.

Trouble In Splitsville

As matrimonial law grows ever more complex, getting out of a marriage requires a very good lawyer. Someone who can keep you out of the tabloid glare — or put your spouse in it. And someone who can understand your…