Tag: black men


I thought trump banned Somalians? Police terrorists now?

This is a story with several twists.

The reality is that this country rarely cares about certain things unless they see it destroying the lives of white families.

Police brutality? What are you talking about? Heroin problem? It’s their fault! They need to learn “personal responsibility.”
Can’t get a job, can’t afford health coverage, gotta get on disability (welfare)…it’s your fault!!! Now, things are affecting more than the welfare queen and the black male thug.

Those same problems are affecting white men and white women. We’ll see how things change when more mistakes like this police shooting occur.



What will people say about this? Will they use the same rhetoric used with the killings of black people?



How about this:

She must have been resisting!

Let’s take a look at what happened before the video…what no video?!?

She was a thug!

She must have smoked weed in the past!

She’s not American…


* Justine Damond was shot dead by police after calling 911 on Saturday night
* She had reportedly been speaking to police through the driver’s side window
* Ms Damond was shot by officer sitting in the passenger seat through driver door
* Mohamed Noor has been named as the officer who shot 40-year-old Australian
* His lawyer Tom Plunkett confirmed he fired his weapon on Saturday night
* Friends say Ms Damond had spoken out against gun laws in America previously
* She moved to Minnesota to marry ‘rockstar love of her life’, Don Damond, 50



NFL Star and Heinemann Trophy Winner Ricky Williams Harassed By Law Enforcement

Watch this. Just watch this and let me know if your blood doesn’t start to boil.

Their job is to “enforce the law” – better known as “arrest as many people as they can so they look good.”
You job is to say as little as possible.
Theirs is to get you to say as much as possible.
By the way, watch how they surround him like they are about to wrestle him to the ground and put him in a choke hold like Eric Garner.
And you wonder why we feel the way we do about law enforcement.



Denzel Washington On Fathers And Sons – Joy and Pain

Ummm yeah but…..
Joy is also passed down from father to son too. My father had a lot of joy and I certainly pass it on to my son (and daughter). My father was/is a MAN. He was there for me and my sisters and still is.
Some of you may know, my horrific divorce from my ex-wife, who still seems hell bent on trying to damage my relationship with our kids, couldn’t stop me from being the father I wanted to be. That whole process of “family” court made me into the man I am today. It made me stronger, more committed to my kids and more passionate for life in general.
There are times where I get sooooo angry with the commands to “be a man.”
Well dammit, maybe if the mother bias in the family court system could finally be destroyed forever, the archaic child support model could be updated to reflect 21st-century America, our prison system could stop making a profit from locking up so many low income/low resource men, the ability for men to provide proudly for our families could return, issues like men’s issue like suicide/depression/drug addiction and mental health issues could be properly supported….maybe then, we can be the men that son many of you want badly.
I love me some Denzel but I get tired of having so many things being ignored

James Baldwin Debates William F. Buckley – 1965

One thing I’d love to do over the next few years is to be a moderator of a series of debates. I love intellectual challenges and enjoy hearing different points of view. It would be great to get public intellectuals with various points of view in a room and find out where there might be common ground.

It’s sad that in 2016 public discourse has turned into shouting matches.

Take some time out and check out this debate. It is a classic, and it is fascinating.


Babie’s Mommas…all of them!

“‘All My Babies’ Mamas’ will be filled with outrageous and authentic over-the-top moments that our young, diverse female audience can tweet and gossip about, ” says Cori Abraham, Senior Vice President of Development at Oxygen Media. [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSNaF2r7dis&w=560&h=315] From Forbes Magazine:…

How Prisoners Make Us Look Good

“Over 80 percent of black children have been abandoned emotionally and, usually, economically by their fathers,” he continued. “It is not the case that black children are deprived of paternal emotional and economic support because their fathers are in prison;…