Tag: Clayton Craddock

Why fathers still matter

An excerpt from THIS article: http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2014-06-25/opinion/ct-oped-fathers-0625-20140625_1_father-single-moms-terry-crews Take the sentence “there are some things only a mother can provide.” Does anyone disagree with that? You say “nurturing,” everyone nods. You say “unconditional love,” everyone nods. But try saying that sentence about a…


Tip of the Week authored by Brett A. Sokolow, J.D., ATIXA Executive Director Okay, so I’m all fired up again. In the last two weeks, I’ve worked on five cases all involving drunken hook-ups on college campuses. In each case,…

Get Up, Stand Up!

BY MICHAEL COREN ,QMI AGENCY An excerpt from THIS article: http://www.torontosun.com/2014/05/08/its-time-to-stand-up-for-mens-rights What I encountered was evidence of a campaign to discredit men and a legal and sociological campaign to remove their rights as husbands and partners and, in particular, fathers. I’m…

Constitution be dammed!

The White House recently announced detailed guidance for colleges on how to deal with sexual assaults. This won praise from advocates who are hell-bent on making their own rues with regard to justice in criminal matters, but renewed concerns from…

Why the American Family-Court System is Broken

“To get divorced, you can’t just simply fill out a form that says ‘I’m divorced.’ You have to go to court and a judge has to approve the divorce,” says Divorce Corp’s Joe Sorge. “Breaking up is traumatic on its own, nevermind having to go to court and appear before a judge.”

Sorge argues that because the legal code to get a divorce is so complex, nearly all respective parties have to hire expensive lawyers and pay legal fees that make the average non-contested divorce cost between $10,000 and $20,000. A contested divorce can run well over $50,000.

“It’s the fourth most common cause of bankruptcy in the United States,” says Sorge.

Sorge sat down with Reason TV’s Tracy Oppenheimer to outline some of these institutional problems and possible resolutions that he addresses in his documentary and accompanying book, both titled Divorce Corp.

About 8 minutes.

Produced by Tracy Oppenheimer. Camera by Zach Weissmueller and Alexis Garcia.

Go to http://reason.com/reasontv/2014/04/23… for downloadable versions and subscribe to Reason TV’s YouTube Channel for notifications when new material goes live.

Father’s suicide becomes rallying cry for fairness in court

An excerpt from a Glenn Sacks post but is no longer available. Here is more info: http://www.canadiancrc.com/Newspaper_Articles/National_Post-Darrin_White-Fathers_suicide_becomes_rallying_cry_for_fairness_in_court_01APR2000.aspx Thirty-five years ago today, Lillian White gave birth to her youngest son. Yesterday, she knelt down and kissed his coffin at his graveside.…