Tag: divorce

Let No Court Put Asunder

.From This American Life. Listen to the audio HERE: Ira Glass Act Three: Let No Court Put Asunder. Now, we have this example of somebody trying to make break-ups less horrible than they are. Barry Berkman used to be like…


Fatherhood is also classically aspirational. It’s a marker of class, pure and simple. Fatherlessness is a real crisis even as fatherhood gains this wild significance. In 2008, 41 percent of births involved unmarried women compared with 28 percent in 1990.…

Divorce Civil Rights

by Joseph E. Cordell Divorce lawyer and founder of DadsDivorce.com As a society, we find profiling — painting a group of people with such a broad brush — to be wholly unacceptable. Except when it applies to men in family…