Tag: equality


This is a GREAT article. I saw it in the New Yorker Magazine and thought I’d share. Please read it when you get a chance: Mrs. Romney says there would not even be an America without moms, and she is…

Divorce is deceptive

“Divorce is deceptive. Legally it is a single event, but psychologically it is a chain–sometimes a never-ending chain–of events, relocations, and radically shifting relationships strung through time, a process that forever changes the lives of the people involved.” Judith Wallerstein…

The Career Mystique

The disgraced politician or the retiring sports star comes to the podium and says, “I am going to spend more time with my family….”  The 35-40 year old woman talks to her inner circle of friends about her biological clock…

you can act like a MAN!

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbKkHQlsKQk&w=560&h=315]   “You spend time with your family?…….Good……Because  man that doesn’t spend time with his family can never be a real man” A great line from a great movie. I feel our culture should make family a priority. We…

Matriarchy and the end of men.

WSJ: As empowering as it is, in a way, to see women “doing everything” and succeeding, does the “end of men” have the power to destabilize societies in the poorer and middle-classes? HANNA ROSIN: That’s what we’ve already seen with…

The Contempt for Dads

I don’t take this stuff that seriously. Guys With Kids is yet another stupid sitcom.  I watched the pilot a few minutes ago on Hulu and read a review on the show in Esquire. I’ll never watch the show ever again. Steven…

I left YOU, not my child

If your relationship with your wife or girlfriend ends, please remember that your relationship with your children does not. Assuming that the father is the one to leave the home if the adult relationship breaks down is no longer the case…


[brightcove vid=1813362470001&exp=271557391&lbu=http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2012/09/12/new-book-suggests-it-s-not-the-end-of-men-but-they-are-in-trouble.html&w=486&h=412] It looks like it’s over…well , maybe not.

Dwyane Wade – A Father First

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVaFM-sS9DU&w=560&h=315] Dwyane Wade on David Letterman’s show  – Tuesday August 4th, 2012 I heard about his book a long time ago. I have always like Dwyane. He is a great basketball player and seems like a really good person.…

To Live In Peace

If to live in peace means to shut my mouth, And speak naught against evil and hate; If to live in peace means to close my eyes, to the bigotry and trees that prevail; if to live in peace means…

The Moynihan Report

“From the wild Irish slums of the 19th-century Eastern seaboard, to the riot-torn suburbs of Los Angeles, is one unmistakable lesson in American history: a community that allows large numbers of young men to grow up in broken families, dominated…

I Have Female Privilege

I found this on the Good Men Project blog and think it is a great conversation starter. I think Rachel Goodchild raises a lot of great points and many of them hit home. Times have changed. You may not see it…