Tag: feminism

Being a Kid With Your Kid | Ep. 4 | Fatherhood

Hank Azaria gets to the bottom of the age-old question: Can you be a friend AND a parent?

About ‘Fatherhood’: Hank Azaria’s touching, humorous, and often enlightening journey from a man who is not even sure he wants to have kids, to a father going through the joys, trials and tribulations of being a dad.

Government To The Rescue!!!

In his remarks Thursday, the president made several telling points. First, the big-government approach won’t work: “Government can’t play the only — or even primary — role,” he said. “We can’t replace the role of the parent.” Second, the First…

Generations | Ep. 5 | Fatherhood

Are modern parents more authoritative than older generations of parents?

About ‘Fatherhood’: Hank Azaria’s touching, humorous, and often enlightening journey from a man who is not even sure he wants to have kids, to a father going through the joys, trials and tribulations of being a dad.

Standoffs and Tantrums | Ep. 2 | Fatherhood

Hank Azaria discovers parenting is not for the faint-hearted as he navigates the terrible three’s.

About ‘Fatherhood’: Hank Azaria’s touching, humorous, and often enlightening journey from a man who is not even sure he wants to have kids, to a father going through the joys, trials and tribulations of being a dad.

When You Are Wrongly Accused

From this website: http://www.drphil.com/articles/article/217 When You Are Wrongly Accused – Dr. Phil False accusations and gossip can destroy lives, even if the accused is innocent. If your reputation is under attack, Dr. Phil has advice on taking your power back:…

Feminism 2.0

She needs to remove the label “feminism” and just call it something else. The word feminism has been too tainted and still is associated with people who only care about women. It has very little if anything to do with equality. If it did, feminism would do their best with updating domestic relations law and reforming family courts all across America.

And what is the deal with men needing to be civilized? That needs further explanation:

We hear it all the time: “America is patriarchal!”, “American women are oppressed!”. Well, a lifelong feminist and former National Organization for Women member, Tammy Bruce, is tired of hearing it–and she has a solution laid out in our newest video: Feminism 2.0. One that tells women that they should be proud to act feminine. One that tells them that simply copying men and masculine traits is actually demeaning to women. One that honors all responsible choices, including becoming a wife and mother.

Disposable Father

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCNZByBU2-0 This girl and mother don’t need this man do they? Who CARES about this bum. He’s just another father who was probably a batterer right? He was probably threatening his wife and she was bound to be a victim…

Why Mom’s Time Is Different From Dad’s Time

Surveys find that men and women work roughly the same number of hours a week—yet they experience their time very differently Excerpt from this article: http://m.us.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052702304757004579335053525792432?mobile=y Funny: I once sat on a panel with Adam Mansbach, the author of the…

The Campus Rape Myth

by Heather Mac Donald, City Journal Winter 2008 – an excerpt: It’s a lonely job, working the phones at a college rape crisis center. Day after day, you wait for the casualties to show up from the alleged campus rape…


I discovered an image that perfectly explains the natural difference in parenting styles of mothers and fathers on THIS blog. I had to repost: “My father used to do this with me when I was a baby. People always looked…

The marriage crisis

If people only knew how horrible divorce REALLy is, there wouldn’t be so many of them: An excerpt from this article: http://www.ledger-enquirer.com/2014/02/01/2928280/the-marriage-crisis.html Marriage in America is disintegrating. According to the Census in 2013, only 48 percent of Americans were married —…

Judith Grossman: A Mother, a Feminist, Aghast

An Excerpt from this article: http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424127887324600704578405280211043510 I am a feminist. I have marched at the barricades, subscribed to Ms. magazine, and knocked on many a door in support of progressive candidates committed to women’s rights. Until a month ago, I would…

Stop being ashamed of being men

By Rick Johnson Better Dads Ministry, Roseberg Oregon From this article: http://oregonfaithreport.com/2014/01/the-war-on-men/ Guys, we need to stop being ashamed of being men. Virtually every behavior that is natural to a man is now being criticized and we are made to feel…

Barbara Kay on institutional feminism and misandry

Acknowledging the quiet feminist coup d’etat… the pernicious misandry… the militant and divisive zero-sum/win-lose assumptions of the ruling feminist movement… unfair treatment of males as disposable…the apparently shocking notion that women are capable of violence. Barbara Kay presents her politically incorrect views on the Micheal Coren Show.