Tag: movie

Denzel Washington On Fathers And Sons – Joy and Pain

Ummm yeah but…..
Joy is also passed down from father to son too. My father had a lot of joy and I certainly pass it on to my son (and daughter). My father was/is a MAN. He was there for me and my sisters and still is.
Some of you may know, my horrific divorce from my ex-wife, who still seems hell bent on trying to damage my relationship with our kids, couldn’t stop me from being the father I wanted to be. That whole process of “family” court made me into the man I am today. It made me stronger, more committed to my kids and more passionate for life in general.
There are times where I get sooooo angry with the commands to “be a man.”
Well dammit, maybe if the mother bias in the family court system could finally be destroyed forever, the archaic child support model could be updated to reflect 21st-century America, our prison system could stop making a profit from locking up so many low income/low resource men, the ability for men to provide proudly for our families could return, issues like men’s issue like suicide/depression/drug addiction and mental health issues could be properly supported….maybe then, we can be the men that son many of you want badly.
I love me some Denzel but I get tired of having so many things being ignored

Pay Your Ex For LIFE!

Alimony, the means by which the courts balance the income of spouses after marriage, can often last far longer than the marriage itself, sometimes even for life. Failure to pay alimony can even result in incarceration.

you can act like a MAN!

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbKkHQlsKQk&w=560&h=315]   “You spend time with your family?…….Good……Because  man that doesn’t spend time with his family can never be a real man” A great line from a great movie. I feel our culture should make family a priority. We…