Tag: women


“In a report published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior, data from more than 26,000 people showed longer work hours and the use of pornography didn’t correlate with the decline in sexual activity. Nor did factors like gender, race, income, or level of education. Instead, trends toward helicopter parenting and a growing body of unmarried people seem to be the deciding factors.

“We’re seeing more helicopter parenting, which is zapping energy that could go toward sex and other sensual activities,” sexuality counselor Eric Marlowe Garrison, who was not involved with the survey, told CNN.

The term “helicopter parent” was coined in 1990, by child development researchers Foster Cline and Jim Fay. It refers to a parent who prefers to monitor their child’s behavior in nearly all aspects of their life, from chores to playtime to schoolwork – typically, to allay the parent’s fears of harm or failure.”

Read the entire piece here:




Trending Towards Traditionalism?


The day when women create sperm and can impregnate men so that they can have babies, that is the day men and women will be equal. Until then, we will be different. Accept it and enjoy it.

We will always be different.

Or, like Stevie Wonder said many years ago:

Until the dolphin flies and parrots live at sea
Until we dream of life and life becomes a dream
Until the day is night and night becomes the day-
Until the trees and seas just up and fly away
Until the day that 8x8x8 is
Until the day that is the day that are no more-
Until the day the earth starts turning right to left-
Until the earth just for the sun denies itself
Until dear Mother Nature says her work is through



There is a new briefing paper out now by the Council on Contemporary Families by Joanna R. Pepin, Department of Sociology, University of Maryland and David A. Cotter, Professor of Sociology, Union College. 

In it, there are some very interesting discoveries about gender roles:

Back in the nineteenth century, as the worlds of “work” and “home” were increasingly spatially separated, a doctrine of “separate spheres” developed to ideologically justify, and reinforce, the division between the masculine public sphere and feminine private sphere. It is telling here that what was considered “work” included only that which took place in the public sphere—waged employment, politics and the like—excluding all of the labor that took place in the home. The tasks of caring for children and maintaining a household were seen as an extension of love and motherhood, with a built-in intrinsic reward for women. This “separate spheres” ideology experienced a resurgence in the post-WWII era and was the primary ideology against which the feminist movements of the 1960s and 1970s reacted.

But the question became what would replace that ideology? Some feminists pushed for a more androgynous conception of equality, disrupting beliefs about the oppositeness of men and women. In the 1980s and early 1990s, people seemed to be moving toward the idea that women and men could work equally well in both the public and private spheres. Yet the narrative that eventually emerged became a hybrid of the two approaches, promoting women’s choice to participate in either sphere while trying to equalize the perceived value of a home sphere that was still seen as distinctively female. The egalitarian essentialist perspective mixed values of equality (men and women should have equal opportunities, gender discrimination is wrong) alongside beliefs about the essential nature of men and women (men are naturally or inherently better suited to some roles and women to others).

The revised kind of egalitarianism that rapidly increased after 1994 is rooted in ideology compatible with American cultural ideals of individualism, beliefs associated more with the public sphere than rooted in families. Tellingly, the pattern of increased though incomplete equality in the workplace and persistent though lessened inequality at home is present not only in the realm of attitudes but also when we look at objective measures like occupational segregation and housework. The percentages of men and women who would have to change occupations for all occupations to have equal numbers of men and women declined from about two-thirds (64 percent) of workers in 1950 to about 50 percent by the 1990s, and has been stalled ever since (authors’ calculations from Census PUMS/ACS). Similarly, the gender gap in time spent in core housework activities (e.g., cooking, cleaning, laundry) steadily declined from the 1960s to the mid-1990s and then stagnated.

One possible reason egalitarian ideology is highly endorsed in the marketplace is that occupational segregation permits the embrace of equal opportunity ideals without challenging beliefs that men and women are innately and fundamentally different. Even though “a woman should have exactly the same job opportunities as a man,” women may be thought to choose different types of work because those occupations feel more consistent with their identity as women. The path to blending a belief in equality with a belief in inherent differences between men and women at home is less obvious, which may explain the return to non-egalitarian gender attitudes within families. For example, arriving at gender parity in time spent in housework may require redefining what counts as “men’s chores” and “women’s chores.” It is notable that most of the narrowing of differences in time spent on chores noted above came from reductions in women’s time spent on these tasks. Achieving equity within families requires men to take on tasks that are culturally devalued (cleaning, laundry, and to a lesser extent cooking). In other words, women entering the workforce felt they were gaining something valuable, just as fathers stepping up participation in parenting felt they were gaining something valuable, but everybody hates housework.


Read more HERE, HERE and HERE

Maybe it’s YOU?

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Do Women Really Want Equality?

An excerpt from this article: https://medium.com/@NikitaCcoulombe/do-women-really-want-equality-4374910f2236#.bwcnrtwrk   Do women really want equality? It’s a question I think every one of us needs to ask ourselves. Because frankly I don’t think many of us do, not real equality anyways. Feminists would have…

Sign Them Up!

An excerpt: “While this is unfair and sexist — women should be allowed to serve in combat roles just as men are — it is immoral to force people to go to war, no matter their sex,” Julie Mastrine, the…

“The Boys Are With Bernie” – Gloria Steinem

Bill Maher spoke with iconic feminist Gloria Steinem tonight about a cause he thinks more feminists should care about: radical Islamic law. He brought up how horribly women are treated in the Muslim world and asked why it isn’t a bigger feminist issue. Steinem argued that it actually is, pointing to feminists in Muslim nations attempting to push reforms. She said that “all monotheism is a problem,” but Maher jumped in to say that Islamic nations are particularly horrible to women and bad on women’s rights.




What’s Misandry?

An excerpt from HERE: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/paul-dunion-edd-lpc/whats-misandry_b_8312952.html by Paul Dunion, Ed.D., LPC Therapist, author I canvased over 300 people representing a wide range of socio-economic backgrounds, regarding the word denoting hatred of girls and women. Approximately 94 percent of those polled correctly identified…

No rational reasons to oppose feminism? – By Jack V. Butler Jr.

No rational reasons to oppose feminism? – By Jack V. Butler Jr. – a comment found on Facebook.

This video and the explanations below are a few of the many, many reasons why I am 100% opposed to the ideology of modern feminism and everything that it represents.

Jack’s comment was written in response to this ridiculous video.

These women actually wonder why so few women want to be associated with a cult like theirs? Good grief:


No rational reasons to oppose feminism? – By Jack V. Butler Jr.

How about we start with the fact that some feminists really do advocate the systematic death (or at the very least, mass castration) of the entire male gender, and the mainstream, moderate, reasonable portions of feminism either make excuses for these women at worse, and simply ignore, tolerate them at best rather than speak out against these bigots?

How about the fact that the modern feminist movement has a history of marginalizing women of color, transwomen, poor women, and any woman who chooses to be a stay-at-home mom rather than seeking out a career outside the home?

How about the fact that it has been absolutely proven that feminist academics have purposely distorted data in order to meet the ideological ends of the movement? For example, one feminist sociologist who quoted a study on domestic abuse utterly ignored the studies findings that men were abused just as often by their female partners as the women studied were abused by their male partners. And this was only one person; there have been dozens of similar cases. By ignoring and covering up the truth regarding legitimate research in such a manipulative and cynical fashion, they not only have thrown doubt on the legitimacy of feminism, they’ve also dishonored themselves as scholars and scientists.

How about the fact that, even worse than the previous reason, on occasion feminist academics have simply fabricated studies whole out of the cloth. The best example is the “Superbowl Rape Day” myth that claimed that more women were raped and battered on Superbowl Sunday than on any other day of the year. When the facts of this myth were checked, it turned out that the “study” on which this myth was based was entirely fictional. No such study was ever concluded. In addition, when further investigated, it was found that the source of this myth was actually a feminist group in the Denver area, who apparently just made it up out of thin air.

How about the fact that feminists have purposefully impeded research studies that showed that feminist ideology had little to no relationship with reality? They did this by harassing researchers, making death threats to both the researchers and their families, organizing protests, lobbying to have research funding cut in areas the feminists did not approve, and otherwise make things difficult for the researchers. Studies into female perpetration of domestic violence and rape are particularly favorite targets for this sort of action.

How about the fact that, when they tried scaring off and interfering with the researchers mentioned in my last paragraph, and failed to keep the scientists from completing their study, they would then go into action to make sure the results of the study were either drowned out before it could reach mass media attention, or else was outright suppressed by legislation and public censorship?

How about the fact that feminists continue to spread myths and lies that even they know have been long shown to be false, despite the fact that they know damned well that what they are spreading is bullshit? I’m talking about things like the wage-gap myth, or the “only 2% of rape accusations are false” myth, or the “women only batter men in self-defense” myth, or the “rule of thumb” myth. They know that these things are utterly untrue and have been proven utterly untrue, but they spread these lies intentionally anyway because doing so helps the cause. Even when presented with conclusive evidence that they are promoting bullshit, feminists refuse to back down from it.

How about the fact that feminists discuss boys as if they were animals in need of training, but speak of girls as if they were precious gems that need to be protected? Girls are treasures, boys are a threat.

How about the fact that feminists abandon any pretense at fairness or equal treatment when it comes to the rule of law by advocating insane, discriminatory laws and practices that actively benefit women (and women only) and actively harm men (and only men). They have pushed for laws that utterly remove Constitutional protections and void due process for men accused of rape or domestic violence. (Note: not “convicted of rape or domestic violence”, accused.) They advocate for laws such as the Violence Against Women Act, which not only treats men in a prejudicial and discriminatory fashion, it ignores the fact that men are the majority victims of violent crime in the United States.

How about the fact feminists claim that their movement is both a “woman’s movement” and a “movement for gender equality” without any awareness of the inherent contradiction in those claims?

How about the fact that feminists claim that their movement is “the only equality movement we need,” but when pressed to address some male-oriented gender issues, refuse to do so because “men should create their own movement to address those problems.” That would be the same movement they previously said was unnecessary because feminism was “the only equality movement we need.”

How about the fact that, when men do go ahead and create their own movement to “address those problems”, the feminists immediately label such a movement as misogynist, hateful, and harmful to women?

How about the fact that feminists constantly equate an opposition to feminism with an opposition to women, when the truth is that “feminism” does not equate to “women”? (One is a political movement, one is a human demographic.)

How about the fact that feminists use obvious fallacy and bad logic to ignore any evidence presented that men are often just as oppressed in our modern society as women are, but in different areas and in different manners?

How about the fact that, most frequently, the response feminist give to honest criticism isn’t an honest reply, but rather a shaming tactic meant to silence the critic without having to deal with the points they bring up?

I don’t know… the more I think about it, the less I think feminism is salvageable. It may be time for “rational” feminists to abandon the movement to the fringe wackadoos and start something new that isn’t tainted by the sexist bullshit of the loud-mouth man-haters.

But I think I’ve shown that there are, in fact, rational reasons to oppose feminism.

And opposition to feminism isn’t misogyny. Its just opposition to feminism.

Student activist Annie Teriba to resign from political campaigning

  An excerpt from HERE: http://oxfordstudent.com/2015/10/10/student-activist-annie-teriba-to-resign-from-political-campaigning/ Annie Teriba, prominent student activist, has released a public statement announcing that she will be “stepping back” from political campaigning and resigning from all prominent political positions after admitting to non-consensual sex. Teriba released the…

Do Men Really Hate Women?

Karen Straughan (@girlwriteswhat) succinctly discusses that men don’t hate women. VERY interesting:   I don’t think there is a universe that could exist where men, in general, hate women. So maybe the first thing would be to stop accusing men…