Tag: work

Why Mom’s Time Is Different From Dad’s Time

Surveys find that men and women work roughly the same number of hours a week—yet they experience their time very differently Excerpt from this article: http://m.us.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052702304757004579335053525792432?mobile=y Funny: I once sat on a panel with Adam Mansbach, the author of the…


This is a GREAT article. I saw it in the New Yorker Magazine and thought I’d share. Please read it when you get a chance: Mrs. Romney says there would not even be an America without moms, and she is…

I Have Female Privilege

I found this on the Good Men Project blog and think it is a great conversation starter. I think Rachel Goodchild raises a lot of great points and many of them hit home. Times have changed. You may not see it…