Is she always blaming you for problems in your relationship? Do your conflicts really ever get resolved? Is she always controlling the relationship or you? Are you constantly confused or insecure about where the relationship is going? Does she run…
Palestinian Women No Longer Need Husband’s Permission for a Divorce
I heard this on NPR yesterday and found it to be very interesting. [soundcloud url=”″ params=”show_artwork=false&auto_play=false&color=ff7700″ width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]
Fathers and Genetics
As I continue to increase awareness of the importance of fathers, I stumble upon interesting columns. This is a great piece I just read in the NY times today and thought I’d share. A different take as to why fathers…
Time To Make Changes
What fathers need to know BEFORE they get divorced
Fathers love their children just as much as mothers do. We want to see our kids grow up to be healthy vibrant, productive members of society. We also want to be around them as much as possible and watch them…
Dwyane Wade – A Father First
[youtube] Dwyane Wade on David Letterman’s show – Tuesday August 4th, 2012 I heard about his book a long time ago. I have always like Dwyane. He is a great basketball player and seems like a really good person.…
To Live In Peace
If to live in peace means to shut my mouth, And speak naught against evil and hate; If to live in peace means to close my eyes, to the bigotry and trees that prevail; if to live in peace means…
A mother AND a father?
Few things hamper a child as much as not having a father at home. “As a feminist, I didn’t want to believe it,” says Maria Kefalas, a sociologist who studies marriage and family issues and co-authored a seminal book on low-income…
Daddy Skills
A special shout out to all of us fathers who know EXACTLY what he is rappin’ about. This generally applies to dads that spent most of the day with our kids. The stay at home moms already know this stuff.…
I Have Female Privilege
I found this on the Good Men Project blog and think it is a great conversation starter. I think Rachel Goodchild raises a lot of great points and many of them hit home. Times have changed. You may not see it…
Easter 1977 My father just turned 77 on Thursday. He and my mother are still alive, married and well. Early in the morning, my kids and I gave him a call to sing…
Single Fatherhood in New York City
I recently did an interview for a graduate student of journalism at Columbia University. She found me through a post I made on a website about single parenthood and thought I would be a good person to talk with about…
Is a woman a better parent because of her gender?
I recently watched Kramer Vs. Kramer again. It makes so much more sense now that I’ve been through a very similar situation. I think it should be required viewing for everyone. Not only is the story great, the issues are…
Looking back at how my parents raised me, I realize how important the lessons of responsibility are to children. I remember my father always reminding me to clean my room. He would make me take out the garbage, mow the…
Why I REFUSE To Pay Child Support
When people ask me how can I be divorced with two children and pay no child support, I tell them I took a cue from Nancy Reagan; I “just said no.” I took the road less traveled. One that…