An excerpt from THIS article by Cathy Young: Last year, a University of North Carolina student who remained anonymous for safety reasons spoke to the campus newspaper, The Daily Tar Heel, about feeling victimized by the school’s response to a…
Get Up, Stand Up!
BY MICHAEL COREN ,QMI AGENCY An excerpt from THIS article: What I encountered was evidence of a campaign to discredit men and a legal and sociological campaign to remove their rights as husbands and partners and, in particular, fathers. I’m…
What happens when a boy wants to play field hockey?
What happens when a boy wants to play field hockey? If you live in Missouri, or countless other states in America, too bad. That’s what happened to high school sophomore Matthew Bozdech. When he asked to play, the school refused his request. Matt…
Constitution be dammed!
The White House recently announced detailed guidance for colleges on how to deal with sexual assaults. This won praise from advocates who are hell-bent on making their own rues with regard to justice in criminal matters, but renewed concerns from…
The World’s Toughest Job
Here is a different take on that silly viral video that was an advertisement for greeting cards…a thing that I DETEST anyway.
Motherhood is NOT the most difficult job. It’s not even a job. Neither is fatherhood. The thing is, parenting is not a job at all. It has some things in common with a job, but it’s a whole different thing altogether. As parents, we don’t get paid, we can’t quit if we get angry or pissed off, we can’t look around for better parenting jobs, we can’t sue our employer. In fact, we don’t even have an employer! We don’t have the option of not taking our work home with us when we don’t want to, we don’t receive any training, etc.
So to start with, the whole idea of parenthood being a job is nonsense from the beginning. Then, to go on and on with exaggerating the amount of work and expertise needed to be a parent, it not only creates guilt on the part of parents, it also makes it seem like the best parents are the ones who treat their kids as helpless and endangered for as long as possible. The quicker we raise self-sufficient, self-reliant human beings, the better. It is better for parents, better for children and better for society in general.
I can see through the nonsense of bullshit advertisement schemes and I hope that you do too in the future.
Domestic violence against men: Know the signs
Domestic violence against men isn’t always easy to identify, but it can be a serious threat. Know how to recognize if you’re being abused — and how to get help. By Mayo Clinic Staff Women aren’t the only victims of…
Sexual Assault on Campus–Is It Exaggerated?
An excerpt from this article by Cathy Young: Earlier this month, shortly after the announcement of a sexual harassment investigation targeting Yale University, the Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights issued a “Dear Colleague Letter” to colleges on the…
Dads: The antidote to helicopter parenting
An excerpt from THIS article: By Naomi Schaefer RileyMay 5, 2014 Want to make sure your kid graduates from college? Money helps, as well as good grades — but so does having an involved father. In fact, we’re learning more about…
Child Support Is More Like Child Extort
I’m so glad I was proactive and made sure I stopped the bleeding before it got worse. I refused to pay child support. I think the whole idea is ridiculous and it needs to be totally overhauled and updated to reflect…
Ignoring an Inequality Culprit: Single-Parent Families
Intellectuals fretting about income disparity are oddly silent regarding the decline of the two-parent family. An excerpt from this article: Suppose a scientific conference on cancer prevention never addressed smoking, on the grounds that in a free society you can’t…
Father’s suicide becomes rallying cry for fairness in court
An excerpt from a Glenn Sacks post but is no longer available. Here is more info: Thirty-five years ago today, Lillian White gave birth to her youngest son. Yesterday, she knelt down and kissed his coffin at his graveside.…
Barbara Kay: Yet more family law gender injustice
A year ago 19-year old Preston King was a light-hearted young Southern California man in love with his high school sweetheart. Her pregnancy changed their lives dramatically. But, even though the couple’s relationship deteriorated and they chose to live apart, King…
How apprenticeships can empower fathers and strengthen marriages
This is an excerpt from the fourth article in a four-part series, written in partnership with, examining the role of fathers in American families. Young men are more likely to drop out of high school and are less likely to aspire to…
Should welfare programs pay more attention to dads?
This is an excerpt from the third article in a four-part series, written in partnership with, examining the role of fathers in American families. The 10-month-old twins call Frandy “Da Da.” He changes their diapers, mixes up their formula and…
Why the number of single dads is on the rise
This is an excerpt from the second article in a four-part series, written in partnership with, examining the role of fathers in American families. There are a few reasons why the state push for joint parenting is resulting in more…
Why Is Discussion of Boys and Men Opposed?
An excerpt from this article: This past week Professor Janice Fiamengo of the University of Ottawa was heckled (at Queens University) and, the next night, forced to stop speaking (at the University of Ottawa) because of the topic of her lecture: boys…
Rape Culture Myth
Barbara Kay knocks it out the park in this piece ‘Rape culture’ fanatics don’t know what a culture is’. Here is an excerpt: Indeed, the more closely one follows the increasingly hysterical volleys of rhetorical fire back and forth on this issue,…
There Are No Good Men
Is there really a lack of good men in the dating pool or do some women overlook the ones that are already in existence? From what I’ve experienced, when many women who are dating meet a GOOD man, they either…
Instant Custody
If you knew that you would automatically get custody and not have to pay child support and/or alimony, would you be more likely to file for divorce if you were really unhappy in your marriage or relationship? Let me guess…
How Single Motherhood Hurts Kids
By Kay S. Hymowitz, a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute and a contributing editor at City Journal, is the author of “Marriage and Caste in America: Separate and Unequal Families in a Post-Marital Age.” The last few weeks have…