Tag: www.claytoncraddock.com
Happy Father’s Day, MOM!
Originally posted on June 12, 2013 on A Voice for Men Father’s Day cards for mothers. Yes you read this correctly. At first I thought it was a joke, but I learned that it was all too real. This line of cards…
Hate Male
The End of Marriage?
The Stigma of the Stay At Home Dad
Listen to the NPR broadcast of “the Changing Lives Of Women” HERE: Well, well, well. Now we have a discussion about what life is like for stay at home dads. I find it very interesting how the discussion is focused…
Harassing Free Speech
Take some time to read the article below and also watch THIS video. There are some truly disturbing things happening on our college campuses: U.S. rule makes every student a sex harasser MAY 11, 2013 BY JOANNE John asks Mary…
The War Against Women?
Listen to what she is saying. It might change the way you think. She is brilliant: [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqOTj9NDv80&w=420&h=315]
Christina Hoff Sommers on “The Tyranny of Niceness”
Stop Penalizing Boys for Not Being Able to Sit Still at School
More news that points out the obvious. by Jessica Lahey – The Atlantic Magazine Something is rotten in the state of boys’ education, and I can’t help but suspect that the pattern I have seen in my classroom may have…
Fatherhood is also classically aspirational. It’s a marker of class, pure and simple. Fatherlessness is a real crisis even as fatherhood gains this wild significance. In 2008, 41 percent of births involved unmarried women compared with 28 percent in 1990.…
Divorce Civil Rights
by Joseph E. Cordell Divorce lawyer and founder of DadsDivorce.com As a society, we find profiling — painting a group of people with such a broad brush — to be wholly unacceptable. Except when it applies to men in family…
Permanent Alimony Hurts Women
Permanent Alimony. Truly a thing of the past, or soon to be. Here are some quotes from a great article I saw online and some videos that drive home the point. Alimony needs reform – no doubt about that. Why?…
Marriage Is For Broke Men Only!
Why should a man with money, power, status and confidence get married? What is in it for men like this? Why should men commit to a woman at all? I mean, really?! We can get sex from women on a…
“If boys are in trouble, it’s a women’s issue – we’re all in trouble.”
Christina Sommers talks about the effects of a philosophy that can be somewhat hostile to young men: Women’s Rights. Advocating for recognition of gender differences while maintaining equality, Sommers discusses the implications, risks, and consequences of consistently supporting and encouraging…
How to pay child support and STILL face prison time
I really don’t know when everyone will finally understand the reality of the game of child support. When will people see that this has very little to do with actually supporting children and much more with punitive measures against men…
National Mentoring Camp 2013 : Steve Harvey Mentoring Program
Goodbye darling, you’re just too dull
I’d be perfectly happy with women divorcing their husbands because they are bored only if those women who wanted out of that marriage got NOTHING, except what she came into it with. No child support, no children, no alimony and…
Men and the New Jim Crow
Some people might not want to hear it but, take a look around and see what is going on. Look at the laws that are in place and how it is affecting certain menber of our society. The New Jim…
I Don’t Need A Man
Yes you do….. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=juR74OYiegY&w=420&h=315]
Don’t Be THAT guy