Tag: www.claytoncraddock.com
Family Law – from the child’s perspective
Wimpy Kids
Here is a fascinating article that everyone should read. A Nation Of Wimps By Hara Estroff Marano excerpts: ……No one doubts that there are significant economic forces pushing parents to invest so heavily in their children’s outcome from an…
Stop Insulting Fathers!
Watch this video. Yeah, you have to get through the advertisement, but it might just make you think a little differently: [cnnvideo url=’http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/showbiz/2012/06/14/dads-fight-stereotypes.cnn’ inline=’true’] Amid fury, Clorox pulls post insulting new dads Clorox pulled what was intended to be…
13 Signs Your Wife or Girlfriend is a Borderline or a Narcissist
Here are some common side effects of being in an abusive relationship, whether the abusive individual has a personality disorder or not: 1) Censoring your thoughts and feelings. You edit it yourself because you’re afraid of her reactions. Swallowing the…
Louis C.K. On What It Takes To Be A Real Father
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJI8wLao1yY&w=420&h=315]
Big Shoes
I absolutely LOVE my kids….and yeah, those are big shoes to fill. Happy Father’s Day to fathers everywhere!
Black Men Want Committed Relationships?
I found this at NPR: So Single Black Men Want Commitment. Really? by GENE DEMBY June 08, 2013 We recently found that single black men were much more likely to say they were looking for a long-term relationship (43 percent)…
Do you have FWS? Fatherless Woman Syndrome?
I ran across an amazing post online and needed to share some of it. You must read the entire post because the author breaks down so many of our culture’s issues rather nicely. I feel this is a problem…
No One Can “Have It All”
I found a great article in the latest issue of Esquire Magazine called WHY MEN STILL CAN’T HAVE IT ALL written by Richard Dorment. “Lately, the raging debate about issues of “work-life balance” has focused on whether or not women can “have…
Women have to pay alimony too
The De-Gendering of Divorce: Wives Pay Ex-Husbands Alimony Too By Liza Mundy Not long ago, after giving a talk about the growing number of women who are breadwinners in their marriages, I was approached by an audience member who identified herself…
Dr. Murray Strauss
Dr. Murray Straus [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHxQTTg_wLE] Murray Straus University of New Hampshire Women hitting men In 1968-69 and 1970-71. I found something that I just ignored. I was so focused on the issue of wife beating, and the feminist perspective of…
The Biological Kidnapper
Welcome to 2013. We live in an era where everything is suspicious, even the father of his own children is a suspect. Remember, if you see something…. A Prince William County man says he was suspected by Walmart security of…
The high cost of fatherlessness
Juan Williams is one of the few mainstream journalists that sees the bigger picture. I see it and have been trying to tell everyone I know that there is more to the epidemic of violence in our communities of color…
Stop Treating Dads Like Inept, Dim-Witted Parents
Recently, the site Flip The News decided to take an article published in the Atlantic, and do a gender flip in order to bring awareness to the constant portrayal of men as absent or less capable parents. The flipped article centers around points such…
Single Fathers Have Slimmer Kids?
Every day I discover more information proving that the choice of single motherhood is a really bad and incredibly selfish idea. I’m going to keep giving out information to hopefully change a few minds. I can only do but so…
Danielle Crittenden Says Feminists Have A Lot To Answer For
If I repeat the same words you hear from the woman in the video below, I’m called a sexist. If a she says it she is a…..? Men and women are not the same. We think differently, we behave differently,…
Interesting stuff…if you don’t already know: Oxytocin is a neurotransmitter that acts as a hormone. Often considered a major player in the regulation of trust and morality, its study is revealing fascinating information about human behavior and relationships. Oxytocin is…
Does Modern Matrimonial Law Represent “The Best Interests Of The Children?”
I found this on a site recently and had to re-post. A great commentary on the reality we live in. Why do we allow 1960’s laws to exist in 2013? Paternity Law. Does One Size Fit the Best Interest of…
True Dads
[vimeo 29491643 w=500 h=375]“True Dads” featuring Joe Jones & CFUF from Center For Urban Families on Vimeo. Joseph T. Jones, Jr. Mr. Joseph T. Jones, Jr. is president and founder of the Center For Urban Families. Prior to founding CFUF,…